The Agency accepts orders for subscription to periodicals printed and digital. When paying for subscription the Customer agrees with the following terms and conditions and accepts them as a contract between him and the Agency.
The Customer can place an order by sending all the data by e-mail.
For proper offer Customer must specify the language and region for delivering publications.
Customer is responsible for the accuracy and relevance of personal data.
The agency is not responsible for the problems associated with incorrect personal data.
The subscription prices and range of publications may be different for different regions of the delivery.
The subscription prices include the cost of delivery.
The subscription prices vary with the prices of publishers, delivery expenses, foreign exchange rates.
The order is paid by bank transfer against the invoice within 5 working days.
In case of delayed payment the Agency reserves the right to change the amount of the order.
After 20 days, the unpaid order is considered canceled.
The order is accepted for execution after receipt of the full payment of the cost of the subscription.
The Customer bears all the expenses of the payment if any.